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Meet the team – Maham, Receptionist and call handler

In the lead up to the Newham Primary Care Recruitment Day we’re speaking to different staff members to find out more about their roles, how they started working in primary care and what they enjoy most about their roles.

Today, we speak to Maham, receptionist and call handler, who is also completing her biomedical sciences degree!

“I joined NHC as a non-clinical vaccinator during the pandemic, and I have to say, it was an experience unlike any other. As a newcomer to healthcare, I was initially nervous about what the job would entail. But from the moment I arrived, I was welcomed by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, administrators, and other non-clinical staff who were all eager to help me learn the ropes.

“from the moment I arrived, I was welcomed by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, administrators, and other non-clinical staff who were all eager to help me learn the ropes”

Every day brought new challenges and opportunities to develop my skills. From learning how to administer vaccines to handling patient inquiries and concerns, I was constantly expanding my knowledge and expertise. What I appreciated most, though, was how much of what I learned was applicable beyond work. The communication skills, attention to detail, and compassion I developed have all served me well in my personal life as well.

“What I appreciated most, though, was how much of what I learned was applicable beyond work. The communication skills, attention to detail, and compassion I developed have all served me well in my personal life as well”

After the pandemic, I transitioned to a receptionist and call handler role at NHC, which gave me the chance to get to know the people at the core of the organization. What struck me most was how committed everyone was to creating a healthy work environment for all staff members. They were approachable, flexible, and always willing to help me develop the skills necessary for a thriving career in healthcare.

“What struck me most was how committed everyone was to creating a healthy work environment for all staff members. They were approachable, flexible, and always willing to help me develop the skills necessary for a thriving career in healthcare.”

The flexibility in hours has been a game-changer for me, as it has allowed me to continue working with patients and clinical staff while also attending university. It’s been an incredible opportunity to balance my studies with my work and gain valuable experience in healthcare.”

Feeling inspired? We’re recruiting for more receptionists! Come along to our recruitment day to find out more or even book an initial interview. Our recruitment day will take place 28th April 10am-3.30pm at the University of East London (University Square, Salway Road)

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